Now, I wouldn't say Studio 60 has jumped the shark, exactly. That would imply that there was a drastic break when the show began to run downhill, as opposed to the reality of Studio 60's trajectory: a slow, steady trickle through the cracks at the bottom of the barrel. (Like how I used every cliche in my arsenal there? Seem familiar, Studio 60 fans?)
Alas! Alack! I don't need to repeat the soul-crushing disappointment that I mentioned in the previous post, but let us say only that last night's episode widened those cracks considerably. Only a week after I gave up on this show, it seems the show gave up on itself. One need only read the Television Without Pity recaplet to get the sense that Sorkin and company know the jig is up:
So...romantic comedy? Psychological ghost story? Lost episode of I Love The '90s? Exactly what kind of show is this going to be when it gets cancelled in two weeks?
I swear I'm dying on the inside.
1 comment:
I was just wondering where you got that picture from Studio 60, because Harriet is wearing my dress and I'd love to see a full sized shot! Thank you :)
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