
Productivity is Low

Things that must be accomplished in next few days:
1.) Laundry (or at least buy socks).
2.) Read White Teeth.
3.) Change sheets.
4.) Reassemble shelves that where knocked down during boozy spring break.
5.) Write bios for NEA website.

Today's accomplishments:
1.) Went to gym. Things started out promising.
2.) Napped.
3.) Wrote NEA bios. (Hey, that's one in a row...)
4.) Napped.
5.) Showered.
6.) Had two beers in front of a pregnant friend.
7.) Drove to Fedex to retrieve package that was not left by Fedex guy earlier (see nap #1). [Editor's note: I see now that listing beer and driving back to back looks like a bad thing. It was actually cider, and there were a few hours in between that were so very lackluster they don't even merit mention. So no danger there.]
8.) Stopped at CVS to buy Cadbury eggs.
9.) Ate Cadbury eggs.

That pretty much brings us up to date. Now I'm watching What Not to Wear. Something must be done. I need some motivation and a meth habit to get things going.


Unknown said...

but really, what is productive? such a slippery term...i mean i've devoted countless hours this year already to WNTW, and in the process have discovered the importance of different textures in an outfit, and the value of a structured jacket. would i have learned that much life changing knowledge in a seminar (say a seminar i regularly attend on thursday afternoon?) i think not. so L--i say fear not, and more importantly don't think of life in terms of things to do and accomplishments, because really isn't living accomplishment enough??

Leslie said...

R, you spit the truth. I mean, I feel you. And what I feel when I feel you can only be described as mixed textures (velvet and tweed?). Mixed textures that are full of wisdom.